The Fly Quiet Runway Rotation Test program was created by the Chicago Department of Aviation to determine whether alternating flight patterns across different runways at night would better disperse noise and reduce noise levels experienced by residents impacted by O’Hare Airport.
The O’Hare Fly Quiet Runway Rotation Test #3 began the evening of July 23, 2017 and continues for 12 weeks, through the Week of Oct. 8. Each new week will begin on Sunday evening at 10 p.m. or after, when demand allows for one arrival and one departure runway.
The purpose of conducting a third test is to test in real time a runway rotation without the use of diagonal runway 15/33, which is slated to be decommissioned in the spring of 2018.
More information about the Fly Quiet program is available here.
You can find a complete 12-week flight schedule for test 3 here.
I strongly encourage residents to fill out the five-minute survey online to provide feedback. This must be done by no later than Oct. 14. All questions must be answered in order to complete the survey. Here is the survey link.
Your opinions are important. If you would like further details on O'Hare flight patterns or specifics on the runway rotation test, kindly contact Jeanette Camacho, Executive Director of the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (ONCC) at 773-686-3198.
As a Des Plaines resident, I am acutely aware of the growing concern over the increased noise as a result of the advances in the O’Hare Modernization Program (OMP). While I agree that a state-of-the-art and efficient O’Hare Airport is a key component to our area’s economy and transportation system, I firmly support organizations, such as the FAiR Coalition and O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (ONCC), which advocate in favor of the Fly Quiet Program, expansion of noise and air pollution monitoring and greater public involvement in decision-making.
While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) manage the OMP, the following are actions that I have taken in my capacity as state senator on behalf of my constituency as well as other helpful links.
O'Hare Noise Complaint Hotline - (224) 585-9153
The O'Hare Noise Complaint Hotline, jointly managed by Representative Marty Moylan, gives our constituents an accurate, immediate and independent way to make their voices heard about this important public health and safety issue.
The numerical data collected by both the hotline and the online O'Hare Noise Complaint form will be presented to representatives of the FAA, the City of Chicago and to the ONCC at future meetings.
Legislation passed by Sen. Murphy
Senate Resolution 1552: Calls upon the FAA to assist the City of Chicago in re-calibrating the noise monitoring stations in conformity with the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) standards. Also urges the FAA to use new data to revisit the existing contour maps.
Senate Resolution 1553: Recommends several changes to the "Fly Quiet Program" at O'Hare, including requesting the Chicago Dept. of Aviation to revise and strengthen the Fly Quiet Program Manual due to non-optimal weather conditions, review and revise the Fly Quiet Program Manual at regular intervals, discouraging the use of older, noisier aircraft, and demands the Dept. of Aviation enhance the report card program to measure and publicly report on the noise mitigation performance metrics throughout the day.
Legislation in Congress
H.R. 3965, FAA Community Accountability Act: Requires the FAA to limit negative human impacts when considering flight paths and procedures in NextGen and appoint a Community Liason for each region to address the human impacts and concerns of its implementation and in FAA decision making.
H.R. 5075, AIM Act of 2016: Requires the FAA to study the health impacts of airplanes on residents neighboring certain airports.
Helpful Links